Monday, March 8, 2010

Manu Militari

I'm happy that fashion week is done, and sad at the same time. I had the great pleasure to volunteer for the men's wear designer Ralph Leroy. He's clothes are beautiful.

Military elements were found in the details and cuts of the coats (which I found beautiful!!). The leather coats were so supple and soft. Just to say I cannot wait for the next season!
Check here for more pictures!

Picture cred.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I like and enjoy the military look this season for both men and women, the denim shirt and jacket trend, and the american floral prints trend. They are all from the late 80's and early 90's. Somehow I feel that in this 2000 decade, we are just lack of our own signatrues. Or simply because of, nowadays, the easy access to fashion information, the advancement in the technology of making clothes, and the logistical efficiency, fashion just moves on too fast! It constantly needs new ideas! Also in young consumers' eyes, the fashion of 20 years ago just seems NEW and interesting. However, I wouldn't dare to ask my older friends' opinion on this. I am just kind of old enough to remember actually seeing this trend 20 years ago. :)